On Saturday, we started the shingles on our house. Let's just say it was a VERY long day. I never thought shingling would be such a tough job but it really kicked my bum...and I just handed the boys the shingles and they nailed them on the roof...whew! ha ha. My battle wounds include, 3 huge bruises on my legs, scratches on my arms and legs, a big raspberry on my left knee, and my hands are pretty torn up. Our roof is about 3/4 of the way done and it looks really good so far! Once the roof is complete, we will be moving inside where our gas is already installed and we won't freeze anymore! Yahoo! We're hoping to get our insulation today and drywall next week. It's super exciting that things are really moving along now. We're still hoping to move in by April, but May is OK with me if that's when we happen to finish....but no later than the first week ;) While we were on the roof Saturday, I was getting pretty restless, so to make it more fun, I decided to make up songs or say funny things to lighten the mood...it's just in my nature, guys! The songs I made up included "All the 'shingle' ladies", "Shing Shing A Ling" (to the tune of Chim Chim A Ney), and "Shing A Ling A Ling A Ding Dong Ding" (I'm pretty sure it's some variation of Jingle Bells). It was a good day in the song making upping department for ol' Jessica ha ha. The boys didn't think I was very funny though. By that time, everyone just wanted to go home and they did not find my jokes funny in the slightest...at least I could make myself laugh ;) Even though they wouldn't put up, even a giggle, for some of my best work (come on, all the "shingle" ladies??? Freaking funny) they thought it was absolutely hilarious when I laid on my tummy on the plank to get off the ladder and had to have John pull me onto the roof because I was so scared....yeah, laugh it up, guys! I'm glad we have such wonderful future neighbors to help us with all the work being done on our home. A HUGE thanks goes out to Randy Hyer and Eric Perry for all their help on Saturday. It would not have gotten NEAR as far without their help. I will post pictures of the roof once it is finished!
One Day At a Time
Allen Family: Est. November 16, 2007
Monday, January 31, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Oh the joys of working with children
Before I begin this post, I would just like to make it VERY clear that I absolutely LOVE my job! As most of you know (the 3 people that actually read my blog) I work at an elementary doing After School Club. Today was intense...Hadley, our site coordinator was not at work. Usually, if I have a discipline problem, or any problem really, I just send that kid to Hadley and she takes care of them. Well, today was different...I felt the weight of the elementary world on my shoulders. There is this adorable little boy in Kindergarten. One little problem...he can't seem to "hold it" if you know what I mean. So my friend, Aiko, brings little, we'll call him Joe, into the office and tells me that he's had an accident...his second one today and he has no clothes to change into. So he tells her he needs to go number 2....20 seconds later, he walks out of the bathroom with one shoe on and says, "I pooped my pants"...AWESOME! I do enough of that at home, I'm not changing a poopy bum at work! So I call his mom, for the second time that day and tell her that she has to come and pick him up because we're not allowed to do that (I may have fudged a little...so sue me! you would have done the same thing). After I get off the phone with her, I realize Joe still has only one shoe on so I decide to walk down to the boys bathroom and pick up the other one. When I get back with his shoe, backpack, coat and pee soaked pants in a plastic bag, I realize he has peed AGAIN!!! On the floor in the office, there is a nice puddle and his little sock is SOAKED. So I go into the sick room and grab the paper towels and begin to clean up the mess. He is sweet and helps me by stepping on the towels with his soaked little sock...yeah, that's totally helping. He is so cute and nice that I can't even be upset. When his mom got there, he started crying because he wanted to eat snack with his friends at the table. BROKE.MY.HEART!!! I felt so bad for the little guy. Just breathe, for tomorrow is a new day :)
Friday, January 7, 2011
January already?!
What a wonderful Holiday season we had this year! My favorite part about the holidays is spending time with each of our families. It was especially fantastic this year because little Carter was here to share in all the fun festivities even though he won't remember them...I took LOTS of pictures so he will always know what happened on his first Christmas :) Christmas Eve is a big deal at John's parents' house. They don't even make as big a deal over Christmas DAY! Unfortunately, these pictures are super out of order, but when I get to Christmas Eve at their house, I will explain everything :)
Here is Carter all ready for bed on Christmas even in his super cute Christmas jammies. I took a video of him that was really cute and he was talking to me, but he threw up at the end so I'm not posting it lol.
There are no blinds in this room and it was SUPER bright that morning. Here is John with the Allen Wrenches I got him. That turd guessed what it was the night before. There is no surprising him, I swear!
My Darren Williams jersey that I've been asking for for the past 2 years ha ha. I finally got it and I was super excited! My sister and her husband got us tickets to the game on the 28th and I just can't wait to wear it! I love the JAZZ!!!
John got me Beauty and the Beast! He and I absolutely LOVE Disney movies. We have a ton already and Carter will love them too when he is older :)
My favorite shirt that I got John. He has a lot of blacks and browns in his wardrobe so I thought I'd add a little color and it turns out he looks smokin' in this color :D ha ha ha!
John got me the first season of Glee on DVD! I didn't think there was any way I was getting this because my brother in law tried getting it for Crystal and the girl at the store told him he'd have a better chance at winning the lottery than finding a copy in any store! I love JOHN!!!
Again with the brightness...but I got him a jigsaw! He needed a new one because his sister broke his...I only put a few of our Christmas gifts up because there were just SO many pictures to choose from to post!
John and Carter a few days after Christmas. I just LOVE how cute he is with him!
Now onto Christmas Eve at the Allen house. This year, John's sister decided that we all had to make our gifts for the person whose name we drew...NEVER AGAIN!!! That's all I have to say ha ha. This is the gift I made for my niece Brooklyn that shares Carter's birthday. I think they turned out super cute.
And THIS, ladies and gents, is the AMAZING dinosaur that John made for Gabriel. He bought one of those tiny little models that you put together, traced the pieces, blew them up, and cut out the pieces and this is the result! All the other kids were super jealous! I was super jealous lol. I want one! He says if he makes another one, it will be a flying one that he can hang from the ceiling in Carter's room. Cool, right?
Carter was totally into the festivities if you couldn't tell ha ha ha
My sister in law made this tutu for Katelyn and she is freaking adorable and posed like this for me when I told her I was taking a picture! I love her!
Here he is just being a doll before bed one night! He smiles so much now and talks up a storm if you can get him going. John's favorite thing to do is get him talking. He just brings so much joy to our lives and I can't imagine them without him!
I'm sorry, but he is the cutest thing EVER!!! ha ha
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