One Day At a Time

One Day At a Time
Allen Family: Est. November 16, 2007

Monday, February 21, 2011

My Bunky in the big tub :)

Last night for Carter's bath, I decided he was getting much too big for the little tub we got before he was born.  I decided it would be perfectly fine if we put him in the big bath tub.  He absolutely LOVED it!  He loves baths anyway but now he can actually play.  Here are some cute shots I got :)  Enjoy!

 Don't worry that he can stick his entire freaking fist in his mouth ha ha

 John is responsible for this one...of course

 John was dripping water on him


 I'm sorry but he is so freaking cute!!!!!!

 Fast asleep :)


  1. Ok he seriously has the cutest eyes!!! What a cute family you have, congrats on the house too!!

  2. Thanks Shan!!! I think his eyes are b-e-a-utiful!!! I love them :D I'm happy to take any comments people give me ha ha. When is your baby coming? So exciting!

  3. what a doll!!! the house looks great too!
