One Day At a Time

One Day At a Time
Allen Family: Est. November 16, 2007

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oh the joys of working with children #2

Alright folks, you thought last week's post about work was bad...this one trumps it NO QUESTION!!!!  So if you remember, last week, little "Joe" peed his pants...twice.  Today, little....Ben POOPED his pants!!!! and guess who got to clean up the mess?  That's right, yours truly.  Luckily, I didn't have to clean HIM off, just the huge mess he made in the bathroom after I asked him to wait while I went and got gloves.  When I got back, he decided to try and clean himself up and just made a huge, disgusting, SMELLY mess all over the boy's bathroom.  I'm on my hands and knees, dry heaving, trying not to throw up, cleaning poop off the floor.  The only thing I can do to keep from throwing up is breathe through my  mouth but I fear I'm going to taste it which just makes the dry heaving worse.  Oh what a joyous day it was at Wilson Elementary today.  Remember boys and girls, I LOVE my job!  For real...days like this just make me wonder why I'm studying to be a teacher and then a delightful child hands me a handmade valentine and then I think "oh yeah, that's why"  Thanks for reading :D


  1. hahaha, Oh Jess! I'm sorry!! I miss work! I guess I'm just lucky to never be there when those things happen. That's twice now!

  2. ewww grose! I can't imagine doing that to someone else's kids!

  3. that's a sweet story (except for the poo). i'm glad you still like it. i've always been afraid to be a teacher as i wouldn't want my own kids. but you're so much better than me!

  4. love your blog...sorry about the rough job, but you're obviously in the right career that you handle it so well.
